It is hoped that if the family capital is appropriately harnessed, the UN 2030 agenda for 17 Sustainable Development Goals in all the categories of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership related to our economic, social and environmental development may be achieved up to a great extent. For example, healthy and integrated family unit may be of great support in reduction of poverty and hunger, improving universal primary education including adult literacy, gender equality, child rights, women empowerment, reduction of infant and maternal mortality, reduction of HIV/AID and other diseases, and improving environmental sustainability. Further, people with healthy families have improved resilience against almost all adversities of life, enjoy better physical and mental health along with general socio-emotional wellbeing and longer life span. They also display improved work performance at job. Our policy makers have yet to be realized that integrated, healthy and empowered Family can be a great component in individual, social and economic development and environmental health of our people with peace and happiness.
Family and Sustainable Development Goals – Key Findings on Families, Family Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals, Synthesis Report UNICEF Report – May 2018